professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Both Sides Now

I love Judy Collins' rendition of the Joni Mitchell song referenced in the title. The refrain goes something like this:

I've looked at clouds (life, love) from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud (life, love) illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all

From a personal perspective, the song still speaks to me as it did decades ago. But the title has a deeper meaning for me as I finish up the last day of back-to-school PD today. I have been the attendee of PD and now I am the provider. I have seen it from both sides. And because I was initially an attendee, I think I learned what to (and not to do) as a presenter. I try each time to include pedagogy (what is the research that underpins the points I am trying to make) as well as practicality (how should this play out in the real world). And I try for one more component: personality. Whether you appreciate my "personality" might be called into question, but I do attempt to be as present and personal as I can.

Karin Perry and I had an incredible day in Pearland ISD working with librarians and library managers. They requested a day of PD on graphic novels, and Karin and I provided that. We also included more, of course. And perhaps the best moment of the day occurred when someone posed a question that caused lots of the folks in attendance to respond and question and probe. It was obvious that there was a huge need for these people to talk to one another about things. One of the other questions will be the subject for tomorrow's post.

So, perhaps another chorus might be:

I've looked at PD from both sides now
From give and take
And still somehow
It's PD that addresses my needs I recall
Seems I do know PD after all.
Tags: pd

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