professornana (professornana) wrote,

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I renewed my NCTE membership today. Membership does not expire until October, but it just seemed like something I could tick off the To-Do List with little effort. It did indeed, get checked off the list quickly. But there is more to it than that. I have been a member of NCTE for 30 years or so. It is one of my professional homes. I have served on committees and in some leadership positions. I am completing my final year as the Executive Director of ALAN, a job that has permitted me to pay back some of what ALAN and NCTE provided me over these past 30+ years.

When I was just starting out as a teacher, I found good company in my professional organizations. I still do. I love attending meetings from the local, state, and national affiliates. It provides me the opportunity for professional development and for professional fellowship. Even though we chat via Voxer, text messages, and email regularly, the professional meetings afford us a chance to talk FTF, to share stories, to support one another and our profession.

Anyone will tell you that I do not always agree with the positions of my professional organizations. But, I can make my voice heard because I am part of the profession. I can vote. I can suggest topics for white papers. I can write resolutions to present at conference. And I can do this because my voice is joined by other professionals, those of us who care not just about kids and books and reading, but also about the future of all three.

So, I am still a card-carrying professional. And proud of it.
Tags: professional

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