1. I totally revamped the presentation the night before the camp. I am like so many of my friends: a tweaker. I obsess over slides and format and content. But this time, I simply began with a new canvas. And that takes some daring (or idiocy) to do that the night before a presentation. But I do think it tuned out all right.
2. I used a slide from John Schu's presentation at the Scholastic Reading Summit. BUT...I forgot to put his name on the slide. That is killing me. I did tell folks it came from John and recommended they follow him on Facebook and Twitter. But I am usually more scrupulous. Here is the newly uploaded version with the proper attribution.
3. I loved how the organizers of this LIBCAMP used the Edcamp model but made it work for librarians, too.
4. I learned. A LOT. The dinner the vening before was a wonderful chance for me to talk to school librarians about books, reading, and more.
5. I hope others replicate this for their own neck of the woods.
And now I head back to the northern region of Texas for a day of PD for Lovejoy ISD. Audiobooks are loaded onto the devices. Will unpack and repack tonight and head off once again. I will be so happy tp spend most of next week home (and at the office), getting ready for the new semester.