professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Heading to St. Louis, Louie!

Apparently, ILA sells my name to publishers and exhibitors so that they can send me invitations to come by and say "Hi!" on the exhibit floor. This morning, I was offered a chance to win a free book from Pearson. The subjects: using read aloud for close reading in Pre-K (shudder), and books on word study, vocabulary, and phonics for secondary students. Thanks, but no thanks.

ILA is not alone here. I get such junk mail from NCTE and other professional organizations. And it infuriates me no end. I know that these exhibitors pay fees to the organization and, thus, subsidize conferences. However, I refuse to wear their ads on my name badge, my bag, my program. And I will give booths that take $$$ away from classrooms and teachers and kids and books a WIDE berth. I will spend time, instead, browsing book displays from the trade book publishers. But the others will be there just as the hucksters in the mall kiosks are. They will shout out something to lure unsuspecting folks in. Sort of like a circus show. And then the boom will be lowered as we all sit in compliance and listen to someone chirpily talk about the latest program that will serve as a panacea to all our troubles.

So, if I run into you in St. Louis, stop and say HI. Let's browse books together. And let's ignore those companies who would take $$$ away from REAL books for REAL readers.
Tags: idiocy, selling snake oil

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