professornana (professornana) wrote,

Down the rabbit hole

Yesterday, Donalyn Miller quoted ALICE IN WONDERLAND. She read the piece about Alicemcoming to a fork in thenroad and how it had to be about choice. I always have another takeaway from Alice and her descent into the rabbit hole. There are so many rabbit holes in my life.

I often fall down the research rabbit hole. I will begin looking for one specific piece of information. But one link leads to another and another and, before I know it, I am miles away from my destination. These are happy detours, but they are rabbit holes that take me away from the task at hand, too.

Aren't conversations opportunities for some rabbit hole a Odyssey as well? We begin talking about Subject A and end up at Q. I do this when I present sometimes. I wander away and down and then have to pick up a bread trail to get back to point. Thank heavens for power point slides when I digress.

While I know that scuttling down the rabbit hole might be fraught with danger, it can also result in some wonderful discoveries and insights. Perhaps if we take along a friend, the danger is eased and the discoveries doubled? May this conference provide such opportunities.

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