professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Christopher Paul Curtis

So, today my pal Marjie P was hosting CPC at her school. I drove over to give a listen. What a wonderful way to spend a dreary rainy day. Christopher is soooooooooooo great with kids. He had them laughing and asking questions and participating and even singing along. No mean feat is this with 5th and 6th graders, kids I would never want to teach for an entire day let alone a year.

We had lunch and then it was time for signing books, hundreds of them, for the kids and their parents (and me, too). Then Chris was off to do a phone interview and a book signing before heading off to Kansas. How lucky am I to have spent Wednesday with this giant man with an even bigger talent?

Here is one of the photos taken by Marjie P, the librarian extraordinnaire who hosted Chris. My sister went to his bookstore signing last night and had to wait in line for more than 2 hours. Though her feet were tired, she reported that the wait was worth it!


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