professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Short post today as jet lag makes me doubt my ability to write coherently. Spent several hours yesterday working with public librarians in Northeast Ohio. Some great ideas came from the discussion. One librarian reported her library has displays for tween readers that are mobile. That means they can be moved all over the library. I love the idea of mobile displays, carts, etc. Another suggested a variation the Kylene Beers' GOOD BOOK BOX that involved a chest instead of a box (treasure, hidden, needing interaction, all good components).

The best thinking though came about as we discussed the differences between Tweens and Teens. Observations went beyond physical, intellectual, moral, and social develop,met to include attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Once again, I am struck by the learning that happens when I teach. As we come to the end of Teacher Appreciation Week, this is indeed my takeaway over and over again. Thanks, librarians, for all the new learning yesterday for ME!
Tags: learning, teaching

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