professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Ask not what your library can do for you; ask what you can do for your library

I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA. I can still recall taking the streetcar (you can Google that reference if need be) with my Mom to the Carnegie Library downtown. I could check out 5 books a week (and had read most of one of them on the long ride back home). For someone who grew up without much money for extras, the library was heaven on earth. I graduated from the children's room to the library at large eventually, and spent time in the summer in the lovely air-conditioned wood-paneled rooms with books stacked next to me.

When I moved to Texas, I discovered the wonders of the University of Houston library and all the things the librarians could do to assist me in my studies. When the grandkids came to live with us, we reacquainted ourselves with our local public library. Even today, as my BH and I travel, we generally stop in the local library to take a look around.

It is National Library Week, and I thought I would take a few moments to suggest how YOU can help your library. Libraries provide so much for all of us that sometimes we forget we can do some payback.

1. Donate a book or books to the library. When the grandkids outgrew books, we would take them to the local public library and donate them. The ones they could not use were sold with funds going to the library.
2. At school book fairs, encourage parents to purchase a book and donate it in their children's names.
3. Buy two copies of that latest bestseller and donate one to the library.
4. Volunteer. Do a story time or some booktalks. Help out where you can.
5. Make a donation.
6. Write letters supporting libraries in your community. Send them to local papers and to the library board and city council.
7. Join the Friends of the Library group. If there is not one, start one.
8. Ask the library how you can help.
9. Help your students all obtain cards for their public library.
10. Collaborate with the public library on a summer reading program.

wordle library
Tags: librarians, libraries, library

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