professornana (professornana) wrote,

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musings fron Santa Fe

I was in Santa Fe last week for the Educational Paperback Association conference as part of a panel on audiobooks. I shared the platform with Ellen Myrick from Ingram Books, Bruce Coville of Full Cast Audio, Tim Ditlow from Listening Library and Arnie Cardillo from Live Oak Media. Obviously, I was the token academic in the group, brought in to provide audio ammo. It was a thrilling conference. Lunch Thursday featured Jim Dale who gave two readings, one from Harry Potter 5 and one from his latest audio: Around the World in 80 Days. I brought copies of the audio home for the kids to listen to. They are psyched because they know this is the guy who brings Harry and his pals to life.

Stayed in Santa Fe long enough to watch the snow fall and begin to accumulate then had to head back to Albuquerque to make a Friday morning flight back to Houston.

This weekend is the first meeting of one of my YA lit classes. I am so looking forward to sharing new books with these folks. Today I spoke to all the secondary librarians in a local school district about new books and some research about readers and reading, too. Nothing I love better than sharing books.

Off to prepare for class tomorrow.

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