CAMILLE'S TEAM by Stuart Murphy (Charlesbridge 2011) is a great book about teamwork. Part of the "I See I Learn" series, it tells a short story that illustrates the lesson to be learned. At the end of the story, the lesson and the steps to achieving success are reviewed. Think of this not only as a read aloud to a class before beginning a team project, but also using it as a model where older students write books for younger readers. <75>
HENRY AND HALA BUILD A HAIKU by Nadia Higgins (Norwood House 2011) shows young readers how haiku are formed and how to brainstorm, draft, and revise one of their own. Part of the Poetry Builders series, this is certainly a terrific way to introduce readers of all ages to the forms of poetry including sonnets, haiku, concrete, and more. <76>