professornana (professornana) wrote,

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chapter by chapter

After I finished tweeting the Youth Media Awards, I headed off to the VOYA Board Meeting and then a meeting with Cathi Macrae. Finally made it back to the hotel to ship the bags of ARCs home and up to the room to pack. One more event: tonight I get to hand the award for EXCELLENCE IN NONFICTION to Ann Angel for JANIS JOPLIN: RISE UP SINGING.

Yesterday, I read three books. I am posting all three here since I do not know what kind of time I will have to post tomorrow.

SIR GAWAIN THE TRUE by Gerald Morris (Houghton Mifflin, April 2011) is a short chapter book for 2-4 graders. It tells in part of the adventures of Arthur and Camelot and the Knights but with a humorous twist. Sir Gawain learns an important lesson about being too self-absorbed when he rescues a damsel in distress. <10>

I like the idea of kids reading about Arthur and the Knights even in a book that takes some license with the stories. Think of how this book can connect kids to later readings of more classics tellings of the Arthurian legend.
Tags: #blogaday, #bookaday

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