Don't miss out on this year's largest event dedicated to YA lit! YALSA has extended the early bird deadline to Sept. 17 for the 2010 Young Adult Literature Symposium at the Albuquerque Marriott Uptown in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Nov. 5-7.
This year's theme, "Diversity, Literature, and Teens: Beyond Good Intentions," discusses today's generation of teens — likely the most diverse generation ever. Join us for a wide range of sessions from serving immigrant teens to depictions of disability in teen literature and literature for religious teens.
Register for YALSA's 2010 Young Adult Literature Symposium at and you'll:
*enjoy practical, meaningful professional development
*be able to meet and mingle with 30+ popular YA authors (see the full list at,_2010#Participating_Authors)
*receive 12+ contact hours (we’ll provide you with a certificate for your employer)
*network with YA librarians and authors from across the country
*learn about current trends in YA lit
*and more!
But hurry! You must register by September 17 to take advantage of our lowest registration rates (a 25% savings over onsite fees!):
*$195 for YALSA or New Mexico Library Association Members
*$245 for ALA members
*$295 for nonmembers
*$50 for students (you must be enrolled in an ALA-accredited MLS program at the time of the symposium)
Register now to learn how to connect today's diverse teens with engaging and appropriate YA literature! You can register two ways:
*Online Register today at (credit cards only)
*By Mail Download the PDF registration for at to send in with your payment by check, purchase order, or money order.
Registration for the symposium includes all educational sessions on Saturday and Sunday, paper presentations, a Friday evening welcome reception, the YA Authors' Happy Hour on Saturday from 5-7 p.m., and a general closing session. For special events, including Friday's preconference and mini forums and Saturday's luncheon and evening reception, additional registration is required.
Discount housing is available at the Albuquerque Marriott Uptown for $99 per night and airline travel discounts are also available. Learn more at
Questions? Visit the Young Adult Literature Symposium Web site at or contact us at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 4390, or by email at
See you this November!
Stephanie (Stevie) Kuenn
Communications Specialist
Young Adult Library Services Association
v: 312.280.2128
f: 312.280-5276
Check out YALSA's newest books, Risky Business and Multicultural Programs for Tweens & Teens, at!