professornana (professornana) wrote,

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returning to what is normal for me

I think I am almost back to my time zone today. I did 3 loads of laundry, finished a book for my #bookaday, played with Scout (who is thrilled to have his humans home), fetched the resident from band camp, did lunch, grocery shopped, graded, and am now downloading the videos from the wedding onto a jump drive for my west coast family to share. Watching the resident dance with the groom and her grandfather is fun, too.

Here is the book I read for my #bookaday. No cover, sorry.

THE STEPS ACROSS THE WATER by Adam Gopnik (Disney/Hyperion, October 2010) is a middle grade novel about Rose who lives in New York. Sometimes, when Rose gets excited, she confuses words and New York comes out U Nork. Little does she know, but Rose will travel to U Nork via a set of magic steps in Central Park. There she will learn of this city that lives hidden from the Ice Queen. Oh, and Rose is destined to save U Nork from that dreaded Ice Queen as well.

Short chapters, humor, suspense, fairy tales combined with modern fantasy: all of this combined with art from Bruce McCall (and there is not any to preview as this is an ARC) make the book a great read aloud and a great independent read, too. Suggested reading ladder rungs: GREGOR series by Suzanne Collins (before there was HUNGER GAMES, there was GREGOR), Blue Balliett's mysteries (CHASING VERMEER for instance) and the RED BLAZER GIRLS series as well.

This is about how far away Scout has ventured since we returned home.

Tags: fantasy, mystery, tween

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