professornana (professornana) wrote,

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it's just brilliant

Okay, so the cover seems to scream CHICK-LIT. And it is a girl book. But is defies the limits of what some term those "pink" books with its lovely writing and multi faceted character development with a healthy dose of real life thrown in. This is the third book about the Avery women (sisters). I had not tread the other two and that turned out not to be a problem at all (though now I want to read the other two).

The Avery household is in a dither. Uber-successful Mom has lost her job and may just be in some legal trouble as well. The posh house must be sold; the family relocated to grandparents' house for some time. How does the brilliant Quinn deal with it all? With her usual aplomb, at least on the surface. Underneath it all, she is confused and saddened and hurt and even reckless. Quinn, formerly Miss Dependability, now is acting out and seems out of control even to herself. But Quinn's introspection wins out over all of the other nonsense in her life. Maybe that is her gift: to be able to assess herself and her own actions and make decisions accordingly?

Vail deals with some sensitive issues here and does so without making the novel seem like a movie-of-the-week scenario. That is due to characters who are realistic, flawed and to the wonderfully human family that comprise the Avery household, including a set of grandparents that will never make it into the Norman Rockwell paintings!
Tags: romance, ya books

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