professornana (professornana) wrote,

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long weekend and lots of books

It has been nice to be home for a few days after 2 weeks of road trips. It gave me the chance to do some reading and sit around in pajamas most of the day. Not too shabby. I read Helen Hemphill's first novel LONG GONE DADDY first as I will get the chance to meet Helen at TLA in a few days. LONG GONE DADDY is the story of Harlan Q Stank, son of Harlan P Stank and grandson of Harlan O Stank. Harlan P is a preacher; sadly, Harlan O is dead at the opening of the novel. Harlan Q is living with the funeral home director as conditions at home are pretty intolerable since Harlan Q does not share his Daddy's fervor for church and religion right now. However, the death of Harlan O draws father and son together in an interesting trip from Texas to Las Vegas where grandpa wants to be buried and where $50K awaits in the estate. This quirky tale of father-son friction is full of some great good humor and a few neat twists as well.


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