professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Brent Hartinger is indeed GRAND!

GRAND AND HUMBLE by Brent Hartinger is a dilly of a mystery. Why are Manny and Harlan consumed with waking nightmares about horrendous accidents? What is the connection between these two very different teens? Harlan is Mr. BMOC, an athlete and the son of a powerful senator. Manny is barely visible to the rest of the school with the exception of his friend Elsa. In alternating chapters, Hartinger slowly unfolds the stories of Manny and Harlan as each tries to discover the source of their haunted lives. Several twists leave readers wondering how we might all be connected. The smaller size, the slim length, and the alternating voices should all work to engage readers in this novel. BTW, there is a most excellent discussion guide at Brent's web site, a site you need to spend some time exploring.


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