professornana (professornana) wrote,

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stacks grow shorter...must be time for the UPS guy to come

After the call from our accountant about taxes this morning, it seemed like a good day to get lost in a book or two or more.

Quick read. And one sure to appeal to reluctant readers, I think. It has been almost five years since the six teens set fire to Jacob's cult headquarters. They intended only to kill Jacob who had taken over the lives of their parents and created a living hell for the six of them. Jacob had predicted that the 6 would be dead at the end of the 5 years right in time for the end of the world. One morning, 5 receive an email with the news that Harold has died of drowning but on dry land. As Allison and the others gather for Harold's funeral, they are each stalked by one who survived the fire, one who wants them all dead. Lots of creepy death scenes here. Very cinematic. I can see this one up on the big screen with tons of kids screaming as hands get whacked off and bodies burst into flames.

Grief an come and bite you in the butt when you least expect it. Yesterday, hubby and I went to place flowers and flag in the grave of my stepfather, Larry, at the VA Cemetery. Just driving into this place of honor sobers me immediately. And, more often than not, there is a service going on when I go to visit, some young soldier being buried. It is the neat rows of headstones and the tributes left behind by those who visit that are so touching. And each time I leave my stone on the headstone, plant the flowers and then turn to say goodbye, I well up. Today, it was this book that got to me. Brett is an 8th grader whose life appears to be changing at much too quick a pace. Friends are finding new friends for one. And then there is Nonna who is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Do not get me wrong, this is no sad sack book. It has laugh out loud moments that most teens will find humorous as they have lived and survived them. However, watching someone you love slip away is never an easy matter.

I enjoyed this book because of its singular voice. Brett is a well developed character, flawed and still lovable, no mean balancing act for an author. Brett's obsession with words reminded me somewhat of A NORTHERN LIGHT, too.

And now back to that stack....
Tags: ya books

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