professornana (professornana) wrote,

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the party's over

The conference today was a total blast. We began the morning with Kathi Appelt, the National Book Award finalist for THE UNDERNEATH and David Small, Caldecott winner and, coincidentally, the illustrator for Kathi's new book. Afternoon speakers were the inimitable Patrick Jones and the effervescent John Green. Hope to post photos later. I came home at the end of the day, foregoing dinner with John and some others. My body held up well for the two days of the conference proceedings and now needs bed and rest and perhaps some meds.

It takes a village, you know, to put these things together and I need to thank the wonderful speakers, the other coordinators, Tricia Kuon and Holly Weimar. And most especially, thanks to Cali, my student assistant and granddaughter. It was her final conference as my assistant as she graduates in December from SHSU. Cali has been a part of the conference for years and officially began helping when she was 10 years old. She and I decided to step down together and let some new folks come in and take over the conference. It will be tough after all these years to take a back seat. But, I do think sitting down is a good thing when one reaches my age.

BTW, Scout hates daylight savings. Dark is when he gets dinner and he does not understand why this means waiting an additional hour now. Should be a fun week of trying to make him understand why dinner seems delayed.
Tags: conference

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