professornana (professornana) wrote,

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soul-searching for those just right words

SOUL ENCHILADA by fellow LJer and ALAN President and all around nice guy, David Macinnis Gill, has been my drug of choice these last few days. Bug and Pesto are still wandering around in my head even a day after completing the book. Connectivity issues, now mostly resolved, prevented me from posting this earlier. However, since the book is still tantalizingly not available until April of 2009 from Greenwillow, I think all of you will have plenty of time to order your copy now.

Bug Smoot is in a world of trouble. She is running late for work already, her beloved car has been egged, the landlord wants rent money she does not have, and now she appears to be the target of a car jacking. What could possibly be worse than how this day has begun? Best not to ask if you are Bug. Because before long, Bug will learn what REAL trouble looks like.

It seems there is a small matter of a contract made between Bug's Papa C and Mr. Beals, that's Beelzebub to you. In order to finance his car, Papa C sold his soul and promised Bug's as well. There is her signature on the contract. Now she has just a few hours before Beals comes to collect.

What our Thunderchickin has wrought here is a nifty piece of storytelling with two engaging teens at the helm. Bug is no damsel in distress (and she would be the first to hit you upside the head for thinking that) but she cannot win without some assistance. Enter Pesto, not a swashbuckling Errol Flynn, but a thoughtful compatriot armed with some knowledge of the netherworld. El Paso and Hispanic culture meets West Texas hardscrabble landscape with more than a tad of humor. SOUL ENCHILADA is a tasty book. But be prepared, it is not your standard fare.

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