I love the picture books illustrated by Lynn Curlee. Her palette seems to consist of a few colors, but she uses hues (tongue twister that) to create lustrous almost photographic pictures. In MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURES, her palette is more wide ranging. The colors and composition and the expression on the faces of the creatures all underscore the fantastic nature of the beasts. Pegasus soars in heavens of purple, red, and orange. Cerberus is steely grey with yellow eyes that glow. This book, aside from being a great introduction to mythological beasts, should also find its way into art classes for a study on composition and perspective.
This series (Insiders) was new to me. I have already blogged about another book in the series, PREDATOR. HUMAN BODY is the newest entry. Where was this book when I was failing freshman bio in college? All of the systems of the body are here. Diagrams and illustrations offer both close up views as well as an overall perspective of the various systems at work in the body. I suspect this series is already quite popular with kids who love to browse nonfiction books.