professornana (professornana) wrote,

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lush and lovely

I adore the illustrations done by Loren Long and had the good fortune to meet him finally at the IRA conference in Toronto last year. His art enhances any story (and he illustrated one of Madonna's books in such a loving way that it made up for the lackluster storytelling of the Material Girl). In TOY BOAT, he gives us another breathtaking view as we travel with a toy boat that gets separated from his owner and travels out into stormy seas. Acrylic paintings take the reader along on this harrowing journey and return them safely at the end. Since we talk quite a bit about media literacy, about VIEWING, this book would make an excellent addition to that study. And art teachers would do well to include Long's illustrations in class as well.

And a footnote on the Madonna books. In the mail were copies of a series on THE ENGLISH ROSES. GAH!

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