professornana (professornana) wrote,

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what am I thankful for?

I have Scout curled up in the bathrobe covering my tootsies and Rocky is purring and snoring behind my head. The laptop is warming me in between. Does not get much better than this, folks. Now that I am sufficiently recovered from ALAN and NCTE, it is time to make this annual list. In no particular order, I am grateful:

that I am home with the family for Turkey Day
that we are all well and together
that ALAN is my home away from home
that authors share their incredible talents with the rest of us
that I have the best job in the world
that I have friends who put up with my mood swings
that I do not have to cook today

for funny books
for sad books
for scary books
for weird books
for textless books
for pushing the edge books

that I get to listen to all kinds of audio in addition to reading all manner of YA
that there are people who get me (including some who live with me)
that books were made available to me as a kid and teen
that I get to travel
that people sometimes pay me to talk (who woulda thunk??)

for windy bllue Norther days here in Texas (where tomorrow it could be back in the 80s)
for kitties that love unconditionally (ok, as long as I have treats)
for a hubby that makes coffee for me each morning
for Corrie who gave me a balloon yesterday that said I am glad you are home
for Natalie who adores me because I brought her a book

that Cali has found her calling (though just now changed her major)
that my sister finally gets to be a grandmother (I had my first one at 33)

if anyone got this far...

but most of all that I have been blessed so thoroughly. Much turkey and naps to all of you out there in LJ land. I will be posting some more later, I suspect.

Here is the photo of my middle teen, Corrie, and her sister, Cali at Corrie's confirmation. Ain't they beautiful?



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