professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Orders from Above

Many of you know that one of my granddaughters is a nurse. She calls daily to make sure we are carrying our her orders for us: do not go outside. And now: do not let anyone in. She finished our conversation this morning with a, "you have received my orders. Follow them." Tou have to know Nurse Girl to understand that this order is meant to keep her old grandparents safe. She did fuss all last week while we were in Tennessee visiting her older sister and family. I am more afraid of getting sick for her recriminations than I am of getting sick at all.

And speaking of orders from above, several members of my faculty are being ordered to take their classes online NOW. They dragged me kicking and screaming from FTF to online way back when we received those orders. And while I miss meeting my students in person, I think my online teaching has improved each semester, Thankfully, teachers new to the online platform are being offered workshops and webinars. But there is little time to get things online this semester. I hope that colleagues will hold hands and help them accomplish what they need to do this semester and then help them build courses from the ground up.

I worry even more for the K-12 educator being told to take courses online. I worry for those teachers and their learning curve. I worry just as much, if not more, for the students. I have seen loads of worksheets and coloring book pages being touted as online "instruction" Many have noted that these need to be curtailed, and instruction needs to be planned that take so much into consideration. (A side note that many parents who are attempting to "home school" are asserting that teachers need to be paid much more $$$).

I am holding a Facebook Live event tomorrow at 11 ET/10 CT to answer any questions I can. I am so happy to see others doing LIVE sessions with help for teachers and parents. Kylene Beers had Donalyn Miller with her today to talk about independent reading. Facebook Groups are being formed as well.

Orders may be issued, but educators do not require orders to help one another, We are there for one another, there to help in whatever way we can.
Tags: orders

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