professornana (professornana) wrote,

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practicing what I preach

Dawn comes early in Maine. It was full on morning at 4 am. I confess that I did roll over for a couple more hours, but it was not easy. There is something about lolling around in bed when the sun is up, the birds are chirping, and the breeze makes the screen door whisper. And, though I could have slept in more, I staggered to the shower, dressed, and headed over to write with Linda Rief before breakfast.

This is the kind of writing I often use for this blog and other pieces. Quick writes, taking someone else's words and riding them like waves (cannot recall who this quote is from). Often, it is just that: surfing the words from someone else's writing, that leads me to discoveries.

So, I am looking forward to 3 days of writing and reading and learning here at the Boothbay Literacy Retreat. Look for the #bblit16 hashtag and follow along.

As Linda just said, "The thing we are afraid to be writing about should be the thing we are writing about." All writing matters.
Tags: heinemann, literacy, thinking, writing

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