professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Watching the scrawl

I am sitting relaxing after a morning spent in Pasadena (with a trip to Vroman's Bookstore). Watching some shows on MSNBC, I find myself drawn tot he scrawl at the bottom on the screen with all the little news tidbits. Since I am in California, I have been doing some "dreaming" (and I hope you can hear that lovely song drifting through your mind right now). How does this sound?

A channel on TV dedicated to books, books for children, tweens, and teens. The scrawl? Short booktalks. Imagine the resource this would provide us all. The programs on the channel would include interviews with authors and illustrators and publishers. Maybe a program weekly on evaluating literature. Perhaps something daily about the new books debuting that day. Interviews with kids about books and reading. Of course, I would love to have a slot on this channel as well (BSP, I know) to share what we KNOW about books and reading and motivation and assessment, etc. It would be a panel discussion where others join in the conversation, tackle viewer questions, etc.

I know this is a lovely dream. I also know that we can make so much of this a reality in our own schools and classrooms, too. We can have blurbs and book talks and reviews running on the classroom monitors (computer and TV). We can share information with kids. I know teachers who are doing this already. What we need to do is to expand this to each and every classroom.

I am thinking of retiring soon. Know anyone who is looking for programming ideas for a TV channel?
Tags: books, programming, reading

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