professornana (professornana) wrote,

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Getting Graphic

The day got off to a rather rocky start. If you saw my posts on Facebook, the bad omens this morning included: no washcloth, coffee pot that did not work, no WIFI signal. But the day improved immensely once we arrived at the South Padre Island Convention Center and set up our LS department exhibit booth. We spent the day hugging former students and meeting current and potential ones.

Karin Perry and I presented a one our session in graphic novels at the Region One Media Conference today. We had over 100 librarians in attendance who were eager to hear all about GNs and how to evaluate, select, and also "rationalize" having them in the collection. 80 slides in 50 minutes might just be a record for us, too.

As we continue to fine tune this presentation (we have done it as a 6 hour workshop and as a 45, 60, and 75 minute session), we are pleased to hear from folks that we are giving them what they need. I think more and more librarians are open to new forms and formats.

However, I would be remiss if I did to also make this observation: we had brought along about 25 audiobooks to give away, and they were the last to be taken. There still seems to be some resistance to audio. I know my friends Rose Brock, Sharon Grover, and Mary Burkey have worked hard on a project called SOUND LEARNING, and I encourage all of you to utilize this tremendous resource: And if you have not been to GUYS LISTEN (, take some time to explore this as well. Rose Brock is one of our new faculty members, and she knows a LOT about audio (it was the topic of her dissertation, too).

Some folks took audiobooks for their own listening. That is fine, but I also want to get more audio into the hands of kids, too. I know audio is my most trusted traveling companion. We never have to make a stop for audio. It doe not eat chips and get crumbs in the car. It always has the right tone when it is speaking.

Tomorrow we pack up and head back home (another 400 miles or so). I am sure we will plan and plot again, Karin Perry and I. On the drive down, we composed the Table of Contents for an online project we want to do. We talked about future presentations we might do. I think the topic of audio will come up on the drive. Sekrit plans will be made.
Tags: conferences

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